Compliance Agenda - July 2020

PUBLISHED: 29th June 2020

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We are delighted to publish the latest edition of our newsletter, Compliance Agenda. It contains a round-up of all the latest legal updates of interest to Company Secretaries, Company Directors and Compliance Officers.

Effective Minute Taking

Pursuant to Section 166 of the Companies Act 2014 (the "Act"), all companies are required to keep minutes.  If a company fails to keep required minutes then they will be held guilty of a Category 4 Offence and subject to a maximum penalty of €5000.

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Directors residential address disclosure requirements

Under the Companies Act 2014, (the “2014 Act”) directors of Irish companies are required to disclose their residential address on the public register. 

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Considerations for setting up a charity in Ireland

An organisation that wishes to engage in charitable activities in Ireland is required to register with the Charities Regulator in advance of any activity and will be subject to the Charities Act 2009.  In order to register as a charity, an organisation must have a charitable purpose.

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Additional Extension to annual return filing period

In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Companies Registration Office (CRO) announced in March of this year that all annual returns due to be filed by any Irish registered company between 18 March and 30 June 2020 would be deemed to have been filed on time if all elements of the annual return were completed and filed by 30 June 2020. 

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If you require assistance with such an application, or with any other company secretarial matters, our highly experienced Company Secretarial Team is on hand to assist.  Please contact a member of our team:

Colm Hanley at

James Carolan at

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