€250 Million Seed and Venture Capital Scheme Announced

PUBLISHED: 15th August 2024

Photo to illustrate article https://www.lkshields.ie/images/uploads/news/Seed_and_Venture_Capital.png.

The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Peter Burke T.D  has announced an allocation of €250 million to the Seed and Venture Capital  Scheme and it will operate for the period 2025 to 2029. 

This represents a 42% increase above the size of the previous Seed and Venture Capital Scheme.  Like previous Seed and Venture Capital Schemes it will be administered by Enterprise Ireland  which will make commitments to a number of venture capital funds. Whilst details on the focus of the new scheme are limited it was indicated that Greentech, AI and Lifesciences would be key focus areas amongst others.  

It would be expected that calls for expression of interest would be made by Enterprise Ireland in the near future.

A link to the government press release can be found here.

For further details please contact Emmet Scully or a member of our Private Equity and Venture Capital team.

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