Construction Adjudication in Ireland: Latest Developments

PUBLISHED: 23rd April 2021

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A new High Court practice direction, HC105, was published by the Courts Service today entitled “Applications Pursuant to Construction Contracts Act 2013”.  

The practice direction provides for a designated sitting of the High Court for the hearing of applications for leave to enforce or enter judgment in respect of a decision of an adjudicator under section 6(11) of the Construction Contracts Act 2013.  These applications will be heard by Mr. Justice Simons on the first available Wednesday morning.

This is a welcome development.  It is likely to facilitate quicker access to the courts for parties seeking to enforce an adjudicator’s decision in a payment dispute arising under a construction contract.  This should speed up payments under construction contracts in line with the aim of the 2013 Act.

For more information on construction adjudication, please contact Ian Lavelle at or Jamie Ritchie in our Projects and Construction team.

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